Fundamental Analysis
When trading, it is important to devise strategic ways of entering the financial markets to have profitable trades. One of these ways is the approach known as the Fundamental analysis. Fundamental analysis is the numeric study of the market by taking into account the different economic, political, and social occurrences […]
The Gartley pattern falls under continuation patterns category and is crucial in verifying whether a price will continue treading its initial trend after the occurrence of retracement. Gartley pattern is efficient to use since it appears frequently in Forex trading charts. More so, its forms dictate whether the incoming trend […]
Technical Analysis Overview
Technical analysis is an essential strategy in Forex trading to help traders speculate market prices and enter the trade markets at the right time with the right position. But what is more beyond the technicalities of the market figures? Let us have an in-depth take on one of the foundations […]
How to Trade Silver on Forex
Silver is a precious metal held viable by a lot of market participants in its correlation with both Gold and the U.S. Dollar. Highly volatile, the international market keeps tabs on the prices of silver. The abbreviation, XAG/USD means that the spot price for silver is quoted in USD. The […]
Forex Analytics Model
Forex and analytics go hand in hand for extended and successful trading. Forex analysis is used by retail traders to determine whether to buy or sell currency pairs. It is highly dependent on the business or individual participating in Forex and analytics may be technical, fundamental, or even based on […]