Forex trading
How Much Money Can I Make Forex Day Trading?
Our indicator software won’t run on a tablet or smart phone, so you will need a laptop or desktop computer to day trade with us. You will also need an internet connection for our leading indicator software to work on your computer.
We can see the price moving mostly sideways but in a very jagged way. Just before the first trade the price tried to move lower, but failed. It rallied paused, and I bought when the price broke above the brown box (I manually draw these…for you…I don’t&rs […]
A Day In The Life Of A Day Trader
The reason why this is #2 instead of #1 in our rankings of best indicators for day trading is that it’s an all-in-one system. As you will have noticed, a lot of our indicators in the list require some form of breakout strategy. As trading sentiment can change like the wind during the day, this helps protects day traders from whipsaws and allows them to take advantage of sharper market moves. Once price breaks this line, day traders would look to take a trade following a breakout confirmat […]
Basics Of Forex Trading For Beginners
Divergence is considered either positive or negative ; both kinds of divergence signal major shifts in price direction. Positive/bullish divergence occurs when the price of a security makes a new low while the momentum indicator starts to climb upward. Negative/bearish divergence happens when the price of the security makes a new high, but the indicator fails to do the same and instead moves lower. Divergences frequently occur in extended price moves and frequently resolve with the price revers […]
Forex Basics Archives
The bar chart is unique as it offers much more than the line chart such as the open, high, low and close values of the bar. The bid is the price traders are willing to pay per share. It is set against the ask price, which is the price sellers are willing to sell their shares for. What do we call the difference between the bid and the ask price? This is a term used to describe the stock market when it is moving in a downwards trend. If a stock price falls deep and fast, it’s considered ver […]
The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To Forex Backtesting » Trading Heroes
Automatically stick any drawing to the closest OHLC price of the bar chart. Just drag a chart to any of your screens to start exercising on multiple monitors at once. The easiest way to do it is by using Windows/ Cascade menu item. Draw on all charts at once or rename a chart to draw exclusively on it.
Select Visual mode so you can control the speed of backtesting. (if you can’t see Visual mode, widen the strategy tester window by dragging its top side up.
Variables That Impact The Result […]